The avalanche terrain hazard map shows the potential danger of avalanches. The hazard respectively the "terrain risk" are represented with continuous values, which are shown with a colour gradient. The higher the value, the more likely we are to be endangered by avalanches. In contrast to the first map, no thematic distinction can be made here between release areas and runout zones.
Avalanche terrain hazard map (ATH)
This map shows the general avalanche terrain hazard: Relaese areas, runout zones and consequences.

The avalanche terrain hazard map (ATH) shows the general danger from avalanches. In addition to releasing avalanches, the consequences are also taken into account. In example A, the north facing slope (right) and the NW facing slope (left) have similar terrain characteristics in the potential release area. However, the danger is greater on the north-facing slope because there is a terrain trap below. Rectangle B also has a slope area with high hazard because there is a danger of falling due to the rocks.